
最新ニュース アフリカのケニアから本学大学院に入学して


2013年に、日本政府は第5回アフリカ開発会議(TICAD V)を開催し、官民一体となってアフリカにおける強固で持続可能な経済成長を支援する政策を示しました。そこでの安倍総理によるスピーチでは、アフリカの若者のための産業人材育成イニシアティブ(Afirican Business Education Initiative for the Youth、ABEイニシアティブ)が表明され、5年間で1,000人のアフリカの若者に対し、日本の大学院等での教育と日本企業でのインターンシップ実施の機会を提供していくこととなりました。このプログラムにおいて、英語による修士課程教育と、企業への見学およびインターンシップ実習を実施し、知識や技能の修得のみならず、日本社会や日本企業に理解を持つアフリカの高度産業人材の育成を目指していきます。



”My life since I joined Reitaku University” by Senelwa Benson Igesa


“Why Reitaku ?” a question every one posed to me and why I had such a strong confidence in the university to help me to realize my academic dream when my journey to Japan began like eight months ago. But since my reasons for the choice were not physical, I didn’t have a ready answer. But rather the reasons were basically based on instincts. Since this was my first time in Japan and my prayer was to be linked with a university that offers something more than just academics. But rather build up my moral and social life blended with a typical Japanese culture in order to have true and sustainable transformation.

Instincts never lie, and I stuck to my choice of university and may I thank the graduate school of economics and business administration for giving me this precious opportunity to be part of the Reitaku family for the next couple of years. Reitaku University is a small heaven located in Chiba prefecture and having been part of this family for the past couple of months I am a living testimony that Reitaku University is the place to be for any scholar who wants to add value to his knowledge and boost his moral uprightness to fit the global society standards.


ベンソン2Reitaku University has a background of being a language specialty university but thanks to the recent advent of the graduate school of economics and business administration that tries to compliment what the university is well known for. This program in the graduate school is my main area of interest and little did I know that entrance to the program was quite competitive as one has to prove equal to the task by first being a research student regardless of your academic background which to me is a good idea as it prepares one to be ready for the next task in his academic career.

The university has a team of fulltime and part time lectures who together give a unique approach to knowledge transfer to students mainly based on practical skills that produces students who are independent and responsible and above all very completive to the job market as this is key. This task is achieved through well constructed timetables and kaizen practices by the university administration in terms of task allocation and job division among concerned parties.

Social lifeベンソン3

Reitaku university is well placed geographically away from academics venoms making learning very enjoyable matched with a serene environment characterized, massive vegetation cover and outdoor facilities like the sports grounds and also indoor facilities like the gymnasium which have also impressed and made my Japan’s experience amazing.

In addition to this, my relationship with other students is very encouraging which has been boosted by the I-lounge team, Mr. Kevin and the group. And this makes any new comer find a bearing point before drowning into the world of an academia as this tries to build up a sense of belonging to the international students as they find a place to share life experiences in a free dialogue setup.

Last but not least, my heartfelt appreciation to the graduate school family lead by office staffs who have been like a king post in my well being at the university as their support through my induction process is second to none my believe is that my life at the university has begun on the right footage, and as the saying goes a good start is an indication of a good ending as for me I am hopeful that all will be well as it is as at the moment.


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